Happy Holidays everybody! Thanks to all of you have supported me and my blog through the year and gotten me to this point. I do have plans to make Smart Social Investing more informative, have links to items of interest for you the reader, and to try to add more interesting and intriguing content.
2010 is around the corner and the obvious question beckons: Have you done your New Year planning yet? I am not done myself but for the most part a great part of my planning this year will be focus to work on my writing skills and to develop my skills as a copywriter and blogger. I also plan to add more readers and friends to my social networking pool so everyone who reads this is more than welcome to find me and be a part of my social networking world.
What are your plans? Do you plan to concentrate on having more free time? Is weight loss your bag? Whatever it is, I want to hear from you! If there is something you want to see here in this blog I want to hear that too. Leave a comment here and let's hear it. Have fun and happy holidays,
E, king of nye