Great news! I am on the road again and it's off to Houston for what promises to be a great safety conference. This one will be a week long and I am due to get some more fine tune training to help me with my job. And I get to have another opportunity to meet folks from all over. This will be my first time in Houston although it's not my first time in Texas. Texas is a great state and I am sure there will be lots to see and do. A friend of mine asked me to bring him back some vintage hot sauce so I will check around to see just what's out there.
The InVestworks biz is perking along and I sent more invites out to some people this week. I am taking this thing dead serious as I am ready to reap the finer benefits of being in the great InVestworks community and to help a lot of fine folks along the way. Have you heard of the 7 steps to Enlightened Wealth? If not you should go to the InVestworks web site and check it out. My sponsor Lorrie Brown is dynamite! She is a warrior and a crusader and a superb human being. You must hear her talk about the awesome power of residual income and how you can start using it yourself. You can listen to it here: http://www.audioacrobat.com/play/W5j8HRr4
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